Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Weight-Revealing Billboard Shames Fatties into Joining Gym

(Click on photo to see full picture)

Here we see the results of an ad campaign for the gym chain Fitness First. The bus stop seat has a scale inside, hooked up to a readout on the billboard. The idea is to shame overweight bus-goers into signing up, and we love it. The campaign was designed by Amsterdam based agency N=5, and ran in the Netherlands.

That last part is probably the most relevant. Can you imagine something like this running in the US? The company responsible would be sued out of existence in about five seconds, a class action lawsuit citing "psychological damage" or some such nonsense.

Worse, though, would be the result if this ad were to run in England. I can (quite seriously) imagine children (who should be in school) lying in wait with bags of cream cakes, ready to throw them at anyone over 200lbs who has the naivete to sit on the scale.
Fitness First "Bus Stop" [

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