Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Guarding against identity theft

5-minute guide to protecting identity
Here are 16 steps to protect yourself and six ways to clean up things if you are a victim of identity theft.

> Your phone may be under attack
> Diagnosis: Identity theft
> Don't take your passwords to the grave
> Lock your credit away from ID thieves

Thieves may sell your information on the black market or use it to obtain money, credit or even expensive medical procedures. Unless you're vigilant in protecting your records, you'll have to work even harder to repair the damage to your credit. The average victim spends 30 to 40 hours rectifying the problem.
For more info: http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Banking/FinancialPrivacy/FinancialPrivacyDyn.aspx?cp-documentid=5083308
or http://tinyurl.com/2dhbku