Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to 419BAITER.COM, the land of extreme B.S.

Scamming the Scammers . . .

To jump right in and see what this site is all about, click "The Games". Aside from some obfuscation of personal info (e-mail addresses and telephone numbers) and some text reformatting to improve readability, the e-mails depicted in these games are real and unedited in any way. Any spelling mistakes, bad grammar and adult language have been left intact.

A CAUTIONARY NOTE: Within the pages on this site, you are bound to run across some nasty language, photos, and voice/sound recordings which may be considered vulgar or offensive by some. While you certainly won't find any pornography on this site, some material on this site may offend some people.

Most of you have, at one time or another, received "Urgent Business Transaction" e-mails from someone asking for assistance in retrieving huge amounts of money in return for a good-sized percentage of the take. Maybe it's an e-mail informing you that you've won a lottery that you've never bought a ticket for. Maybe it's a job offer cashing checks in return for a commission.

These are known as Nigerian 419 e-mails. 419 scam baiting involves responding to these e-mails posing as a potential victim of their scam and getting them to trust you to the extent that they waste a lot of their time and hopefully some money trying to bilk you out of your hard-earned cash. With luck, the scammers also provide for a few laughs along the way.

This site is dedicated to this little-known but growing Internet sport.

These scams are named after section 419 of the Nigerian penal code which deals with this type of scam. However, Nigeria is certainly not the only country from which these e-mails originate. I have had these e-mails come from virtually every part of the world - Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, UK, Canada, etc. This site will consider dealing with any type of advance fee fraud proposal that arrives by e-mail, regardless of its origin.

And it's not only poor and/or uneducated street criminals that perpetrate these scams. Many of these scammers are very well educated. Often bureaucrats are involved, either acting on their own or with the blessing (and even the support) of their corrupt government bosses, as demonstrated by these scam e-mails sent from a Malaysian government computer or this one sent from a Brazilian government computer.

You can find plenty of examples of some of the most popular formats along with explanations on the 419 Scam Examples page.

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